Category: Dental Emergencies

What To Do In A Dental Emergency

At the moment, our office is currently closed to general, preventive, and elective procedures, such as cosmetic dentistry. However, your Tucson, AZ, dentist can still address dental emergencies as they arise, protecting your smile from worsening discomfort and complications. In today’s blog, we’re looking at common situations that call for treatment, and what your initial… Read more »

Do I Have A Dental Emergency?

While we’re closed for preventive, general, and cosmetic treatments, our team is still helping Tucson, AZ, residents with emergency dental needs. In today’s blog, we’re looking at common emergency situations, and how your response could help limit discomfort. We’re also explaining when you should contact our team for an appointment.

Treating A Knocked-Out Tooth

A dental emergency, such as chipped tooth or even a knocked-out one, needs immediate treatment. However, there are steps you can take before you walk into the office to protect your smile and prevent complications. In today’s blog, we’re talking about what Tucson, AZ, patients can do protect their smile if they knock-out a tooth.

Does Your Dental Emergency Call for Tooth Extraction?

When you have a dental emergency, the most important thing to do is call your dentist and schedule a visit as soon as possible. In many cases, quick treatment can help you address the problem and save your tooth (or teeth). However, the most important reason for seeking emergency treatment is to avoid more extensive… Read more »

When a Root Canal Needs Emergency Treatment

Root canal treatment isn’t the most popular dental treatment, and you may not realize that the need for it often indicates a dental emergency. Nevertheless, waiting or refusing to undergo treatment could quickly lead to significantly more serious oral health problems, including tooth loss and wide-spread oral infection. Because of the seriousness of the conditions… Read more »

Questions for Your Emergency Dentist

Not everyone has experienced a dental emergency, but many of us do, and each situation is different from every other. For most cases, however, the emergency stems from the immediate need to repair and restore a tooth that has been damaged, or to protect oral tissues that have been compromised. If you experience a dental… Read more »