When Is Periodontal Therapy Necessary?

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

When Is Periodontal Therapy the Answer?Have you noticed your gums bleeding when you floss? If so, it might make you want to stop flossing. Unfortunately, that won’t solve the problem. In fact, it could make the situation much worse. You see, bleeding is one common symptom of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. Fortunately, there is restorative treatment that can help reverse the effects of gingivitis. Periodontal therapy is one way a dentist might be able to help restore your oral health!

Gum Disease Is a Major Problem, and Common Issue

Gingivitis is the first indication of gum disease, a condition so common that as many as 50 percent of American adults are likely struggling with it. Gum disease is also leading the cause of adult tooth loss throughout the world. That is because when the gums are unhealthy, they can begin to pull away from the teeth, causing them to loosen, initially, and then to eventually fall out.

Untreated, gum disease will only worsen, and may eventually lead to other health concerns throughout the body. That is because the inflammation caused by gum disease can be spread through the bloodstream, potentially causing high blood pressure and contributing to diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions as well.

What Does Treatment Entail?

Periodontal therapy often involves a combination of ultrasonic scaling and root planing. These treatments are designed to carefully remove even deep set bacteria, which can cause infection. After the gum tissue has been thoroughly sanitized, the dentist can then smooth the area, to help prohibit future bacterial growth. Of course, one of the best things a patient can do for his or her smile, following periodontal therapy, is sticking to a strict dental hygiene routine, and also attending regularly preventive dental appointments. Regular checkups and cleanings are essential to keeping the teeth and gums healthy, so don’t skip out on these measures.

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