Why Didn’t I Realize I Have TMJ Disorder?

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

When you keep a close eye on your dental health, you may not be too surprised when something pops up. For instance, a sensitive tooth might have warned you of growing tooth decay before your dentist confirmed it. However, with TMJ disorder, symptoms aren’t always so obviously connected to your oral health. The jaw dysfunction is best known for the discomfort and popping sensations in your jaw. Yet, patients can also experience a wide range of symptoms, like earaches and chronic migraines, that seemingly have no explanation until their dentists diagnose them with TMJ disorder. If you have one or more aches and you aren’t sure why, then you might be surprised to learn that they’re thanks to the jaw dysfunction.

The Disorder You’ll Recognize, but May Not Know

If you’ve never heard of TMJ disorder, you might still have experienced or known someone who has experienced a popping or clicking jaw. You might also notice someone whose jaw seems to shift to the side more than usual when they bite, chew, and speak. These and many other symptoms are often signs of TMJ disorder, which describes damage or misalignment in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) that control your jaw’s movement. Over time, the imbalance can lead to increasingly worse aches and pains until the disorder is corrected with appropriate treatment.

What to Do Once TMJ Disorder Is Diagnosed

When your dentist diagnoses your TMJ disorder, he’ll also explain why it has developed in the first place and recommend treatment to correct the underlying issue. For instance, jaw joints can become damaged due to excessive pressure from crooked teeth, or from consistent stress from grinding your teeth. It can also result from a congenital imbalance in the lower jawbone, upper palate, or more. Often, however, the condition can be treated with a custom-made oral appliance, which your dentist can design to help your jaw joints rest more comfortably. With the help of the appliance, you can find relief for chronic aches and pains as well as improve your bite’s overall function.

Beating TMJ Pain at Its Source

Its wide range of symptoms may make TMJ disorder difficult to discern at first. But, once your dentist has diagnosed it, you can beat the disorder at its source with customized TMJ treatment. To learn more, schedule a consultation with your dentist by calling Dr. Newman’s office in Tucson, AZ, today at 520-296-5439. We’re conveniently located inside the Grant Road Professional Plaza, and proudly welcome the residents of all surrounding communities.

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