Smart Ways to Care for Your Family’s Smiles

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Tucson, AZ

Taking Care of Your Family's SmilesAre you wondering what more can be done to protect your family’s smiles this year? Many parents worry about their kids, particularly those that have already struggled with numerous cavities. Some studies indicate that 30 percent or more of school-aged children will suffer from dental decay, which can cause discomfort while chewing, and left untreated, leave to painful infections, as well. Fortunately, with proper preventive dental care it is often possible to avoid dental cavities and other common oral health threats. It just requires combining smart choices, at-home, with routine dental care, to enjoy healthy smiles, as a family!

Keep a Regular Dental Hygiene Routine

One of the simplest yet smartest steps you can take to protect your family’s oral health, is making sure each of you are taking great care of your teeth and gums at-home through daily dental hygiene. This means everyone in your family should be brushing his or her teeth at least twice a day, and flossing daily, as well.

If your kids seem reluctant to brush or floss, or confused how to do so properly, ask your dentist to demonstrate proper technique at their next dental visit. You can also take advantage of the helpful resources the American Dental Association has provided online, including age-appropriate materials like coloring books about dental hygiene, and instructional videos demonstrating proper hygiene techniques.

Don’t Skip Regular Checkups and Cleanings

Of course, regular dental checkups are also essential to enjoying oral health. Most patients, including all children over the age of one-year-old, need to visit the dentist at least twice a year in order to best protect against cavities and other dental problems. However, it is good to realize that some patients are genetically inclined to struggling with cavities, and that certain medications, medical conditions and lifestyle factors can all contribute to dental problems as well.

So speak to your dentist, at your family’s next appointment, and find out how frequently each of you should be visiting for checkups and cleanings to adequately prevent problems.

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